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Sunday 12th of May 2024, 01:30:36 AM

Best one I can share was over a jealousy test. We were in the talking stage, I knew she was pulling this here and there over a week. One day we're sitting with mutual friends, and it gets brought up that she's talking to other guys, wait, aren't you two a thing was the general question. I just responded, not yet, I'm still feeling this out and seeing where it goes. So does it bother you that she's talking to other guys? No, I'm just observing. I can't change a person, she's going to do what she wants, I'm just taking note of what it is that she wants. She gave me a side eye glare, I didn't even acknowledge it. While the jealousy test immediately stopped, I will say that the relationship didn't work out. In the end I wasn't feeling it for her.



Friday 10th of May 2024, 09:27:18 PM

Moral of the story: never trust a guy with a truck

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