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Monday, February 26, 2024

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5g in 1g. DOSIS Y VÍA DE ADMINISTRACIÓN. . Desenfriol es un medicamento que sirve para aliviar los síntomas causados por el resfriado común, la gripe y la rinitis alérgica (alergia estacional) ¿Qué cura el ….


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Nos gustaría utilizar cookies opcionales para entender mejor su uso de este sitio web, mejorar nuestro sitio web y compartir información con nuestros socios publicitarios. ¿Cómo funciona el Desenfriol-ito? .
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Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que este medicamento no es un tratamiento . PRECAUCIONES Y ADVERTENCIAS. El Desenfriol-ito es un fármaco que sirve para aliviar los síntomas causados por el resfriado común, la gripe y la rinitis alérgica.
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Thursday 9th of May 2024, 06:24:07 AM

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Tuesday 7th of May 2024, 01:16:09 PM

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Saturday 4th of May 2024, 02:14:26 PM

As a wife to a man who was sexually addicted (porn, affairs, prostitute, masturbation) it goes very deep and has no one simple answer like this woman is asking for. It takes bringing everything to light to your spouse and believers around you, complete confession, therapy, sex addiction treatment/groups, and in our case, 2 separations. Yes this is a more extreme case but many that start with porn turn into this (because of lusting/fantasizing). Everyone’s case will be different but the answer is complicated. For each person struggling it will be a different journey but the point is getting to the root of the addiction (many times it’s past trauma or hurt, unresolved issues) and healing through time and with Christ. A person has to WANT to change and give up the addiction. When there is no desire to change, it’s leading to affairs, etc.. then I think there can be grounds for divorce. But God can and has healed so many marriages that really looked hopeless. Mine was one. I thank Him every day, my Jesus has power and is mighty to save!!



Thursday 2nd of May 2024, 01:40:30 PM

Hi Laura, I'm a truck driver who grew up on a farm in SW Nebraska. I noticed the tracks in your field the other day while driving back to my old hometown for harvest. The question about what people call corn harvest. I've noticed, is answered by location and the era you grew up in. For me, it was picking corn and cutting beans and wheat. My grandfather called it shelling corn and thrashing wheat. BTW, I was one of those watching and not subscribed, until today. You are doing a great job, keep up the good work. I'll be the truck driver waving like a fool at you and all your neighbors while driving down I-80 now that I know approximately where your fields are. Keep up the good work. 👍



Monday 29th of April 2024, 07:30:43 AM

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Monday 22nd of April 2024, 10:56:23 PM

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Saturday 20th of April 2024, 12:19:21 AM

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Wednesday 17th of April 2024, 04:20:00 AM




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Friday 12th of April 2024, 03:43:30 PM

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Wednesday 10th of April 2024, 07:29:38 AM

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